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How to fix a hole in the wall

(1) Mark out a rectangle on the wall which has the hole at it’s center.

(2) Use a key hole saw to carefully cut out the rectangle.

(3) Using the piece you have cut out as a template, mark out a duplicate rectangle on a piece of plaster-board.

(4) Mark an area about two inches wide all around on the piece of patching board Now cut this patching piece out.

(5) Remove the paper from one side of the two inch overlap piece of patching board. Then take away the plaster from this two edge overlap.

(6) Apply patching plaster to this two inch lip area. Now place the patch in the hole in the wall. Firmly press the plastered edging into the wall and keep pressure on it as it sets.

(7) You are now ready to sand over the edges to ensure that it is flush and then paint over the affected area.

Another Approach

(1) Cut out a piece of screening slightly larger than the hole.

(2) Fix a couple of wire ties to the screening and put it through the hole so it is positioned behind it.

(3) Affix the screening by way of the ties to a stick which is placed vertically across the outer side of the hole and taped to the wall above and below the hole.

(4) Plaster over the hole with patching plaster. Leave a depth of about one eighth of an inch to allow for your finish coat. Once this coat is dry, remove the stick and clip the wire as close to the surface as possible.

(5) Carefully apply the finish coat, making sure it is flush with the wall.

(6) After the plaster has dried you are now ready to sand and paint over the surface. 

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