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How to Fix Commodes & Drains

1. If there is an active leak, the first thing you should do is locate the shut-off valve
behind the commode or sink and turn it off.

2. If you should have a plumbing stoppage in the toilet, purchase a plunger and try
to unclog the stoppage yourself. Those little guys are pretty self explanatory.
You insert the plunger and give it a few pumps.

3. If the problem is a slow drain in the sink or shower, try using a liquid Drano to clear
the build up of hair and waste in the lines.

4. If the Drano doesn’t work, you will need to remove the drain cover and use what’s
called a “pipe snake.” A long flexible piece of wire that you push through the plumbing
lines in a circular motion. You can purchase one of these at most any home
improvement store.

5. Another way to clear a slow drain in a sink, is to remove what’s called the P-Trap. A
piece of pipe shaped more like the letter “J,” located beneath the sink. The base of
this pipe is meant to collect any solids that wont flow through the plumping. To remove
this pipe, loosen the fittings on each end. But be sure there is a bucket of
some sort under the drain to catch the soiled water.

6. Should your toilet be “running’, check to see if the chain has come loose inside the
water closet. This causes the flapper valve not to close properly. After a while, that
rubber flapper valve will need to be replaced due to deterioration. Cleaners and
deodorizers will cause that flapper to deteriorate much quicker than usual. Either
way, it’s a quick fix. Head on down to your local home improvement store to buy a
replacement stopper. I’ve even seen them carried at Grocery stores.

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