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How to Get Rid of BUGZ!

1. The first thing to remember when eliminating a bug problem is that bugs tend to
migrate to their food source. Case in point, if you feed these bugs they will multiply
over night. Now I don’t assume that you’re feeding these bugs on purpose, but
every little crumb, chip or sugar residue will attract everything from ants to roaches.
The only way to fix this problem is to clean your kitchen often. Spray down the
counters and sweep the floors before you go to bed. Do not leave food out overnight!

2. One way to get rid of roaches and other insects is to use Boric Acid. Spread boric
acid powder behind appliances, under the sink or any other potential bug zones.
This stuff may sounds scary, but interestingly enough it’s found in table salt and
other food sources. But be careful, this stuff will kill your plants and could be harmful
to small animals. Otherwise it’s a cheap and safe way to eliminate bugs.

3. Another angle to work is the use of pesticide sprays you can buy over the counter.
Some will even say “kitchen safe.” Spray behind the oven, fridge, trash can and
along all of the base boards. This actually works well to keep roaches away, but
most be done consistently to keep them away.

4. Roach baits are sold at your local grocery store and operate on the simple principle
of providing a food source for the roaches, with a little poison to take home to mom.
When a roach dies, the colony will feed on the remains and become infected as

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