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How to Fix the Disposal

1. First, shut off power at the main disconnect. Never put your hand in the Disposal.
Use pliers or tongs to remove an object. Never pour a chemical drain
cleaner into a Disposal. Hot water and a little white vinegar will help clear drain
grease and rid the disposal of foul odors.

2. Now, turn the unit off at the wall switch. Then look under the sink and locate a
small red button on the base of the unit. This is the electrical reset. If the unit
is no longer humming, it probably means the overload has been tripped. Push
this button in to reset the thermal overload/reset .Try to switch the unit on. If the
unit now hums but will not run, turn it off immediately. You have a jam in the
disposal that needs to be cleared.

3. Check under the sink for a small L-shaped service wrench that looks like an
Allen wrench with a bend on each end. It may be taped on the side or in a small
plastic pouch stapled to the side of the cabinet. At the end of this tool is a hex
wrench that fits into a hole you'll find on the bottom of the disposal, in the
center. Work the wrench back and forth until the unit moves freely for several
revolutions. As you move the wrench, you are moving the shaft of the disposal.

4. Now look into the disposal from above. Check for any foreign objects. Remove
them with tongs. Run water and start the unit.

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